Saturday, July 21, 2012

Excited.... with a little anxiety.

Probably a good way to describe my current feelings on my new blogging hobby and the quick approach of my "premier" as a 6th grade teacher.
I've been searching and browsing the web for classroom ideas, blogging techniques and designs. All my new blogging "friends" have amazing blogs with creative little tid bits and clip art. It gets my head churning and ideas stirring. I'm new to this blogging thing, so I don't know how to do all the cutesy things they do! Is there a book on all this, like Blogging for Dummies? ;)
Be sure to check out all the amazing sites I have found (listed to the left). If you do not currently follow my blog and would like to, I have added that at the right side of my page thanks to my friend Heather from Heather's Heart :)
On another note... I am so anxious to get into my classroom! I have yet to even see it, I have no idea what I need or what is already in the classroom! I have training next week and then we start the 6th, and kiddos on the 10th! Woot!!
Have a blessed weekend!


  1. Amy,
    I found your blog through the link up on "Oh Boy 4th Grade" :) I am new to the blogging thing too - if you visit mine, you will see I also have 4 other blogs... oops.

    I cant wait to look around your blog - I can already see we have some in common (being a Christian for one.)

    I also saw your below post about the "R" word, I really dislike that word, and I am so happy to teach kindergarten and be able to begin to teach acceptance and to not use that word! Have you seen the image going around of an adorable little girl with down syndrome with a shirt that says "Am I rocking this extra chromosome or what?" I love it.

    Have a fantastic day, and feel free to stop by my blog(s), my teaching one doesnt have much yet!

    and my site:

    <3 Alison

    1. Thanks for visiting my page! Not much to see so far ;) it is nice to meet people with the same values.

      I have seen that shirt. I have it posted on my personal FB wall. She is sooo cute :)

      I will stop by and check out your page, good luck on your blog development!
